Activate Kids

Activating children of faith

High-energy Children's Programme

Activate Kids runs each Sunday alongside our morning gatherings.  We believe that Activate Kids all have purpose, all belong, and all have something to offer. With games, activities, small group discussions, music, and singing, these programs are designed to see our kids develop a lifelong relationship with their Creator.

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
mATTHEW 19:14 (niv)

Available Programs

Newborns & Creche

Our crèche & newborns area is open for parents to stay with their young children aged up to 36 months. It's a great environment with a live audio of the gathering so you don't miss out. The crèche includes nappy changing facilities, toys and a comfortable feeding room.

Activate Pre-School: 3 & 4yrs

With music, Bible stories, crafts, and activities, our volunteer leaders will ensure your pre-school aged children have lots of fun and come away having learned more about our incredible God.

Activate Primary: 5-9yrs

Activate Primary is always a super fun experience! We watch interactive videos, play games, sing songs, read bible stories, learn memory verses! At Activate Kids we love to introduce children not just to the concept and nature of God, but His power and presence as well.

Activate Plus: 10 - 14yrs

Our Activate Plus program is specifically targeted at those who are just a 'little bit older' than the rest! It's fun and vibrant, and specifically designed to inspire, challenge, and grow our pre-teens in a deeper relationship with God.

Note: Activate Plus currently runs every 2nd Sunday. All other age groups run every Sunday.